Career Transition with Terri
What sparked your career change?
My passion had disappeared. I no longer woke up excited each day of working in the real estate field, coaching and training real estate agents to find their point of difference and excel in their careers
What work were you doing previously?
I was a real estate sales agent in inner city suburbs of Brisbane. This career lasted for 16 years, until I moved back into a mentoring role and made the decision to start Real Estate Mastery my real estate Training Academy
What are you doing now?
I am a mentor and leader with my own business, helping others to create a passive income stream with the purchase of automated FOREX Trading Contracts.
Why did you change jobs?
I always knew it was time to change jobs and direction when the passion disappeared.
What process did you go through to decide to change?
A lot of introspection and also talking with trusted friends and business associates and an independent coach
How did you go about making the shift?
I always prepared for the change in advance. I researched the field, sought out the trainings I would need, backed myself financially, then made the jump
What help did you manage to get?
I talked with a coach to help clear my mind and to ensure I was making a decision which was not based purely on emotion.
What was the hardest part of changing careers?
Trusting that the money I was outlaying on training, premises, staff, etc would be repaid as my business grew.
What have you learned in the process?
To trust my intuition. To be resilient and not be afraid to make mistakes.
Are you happy with the change?
Yes totally
What do you miss and what don’t you miss?
Because I am building a community of beautiful friends (new and old) with my business, mentoring and training again albeit in a different field, I love every day and don’t miss my past as I can see people’s lives changing as a result of what we are doing and this fills me with joy
What do you enjoy most about your new career?
The interactions with the group, researching and learning new skills which could be useful for them, particularly with their personal development and self confidence
What do you wish you’d done differently?
When I had staff, I wish I had paid more attention to the model of Wealth Dynamics, which teaches how to build a team that have different strengths to my own, rather than looking for similarities
What 3 tips would you give advice to others in the same situation
Always have a second (or third) person to walk alongside you, an objective mentor and coach, someone who you can bounce your ideas off and who will challenge you when needed for your growth